Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Thoughts on the Book of Mormon

I just wanted to quickly share my feelings on the Book of Mormon.  In my life, the Book of Mormon has helped me make the decisions that have led my life to where it is today. It's answered my dire questions and my simple questions, both in spiritual and temporal things. It's incredible to think that a book could have such an impact on ones life, but it's not the book, it's the teachings that book provides. The teachings of Christ.  Having a constant guide to follow Christ, which also provides us the promptings of the Holy Ghost for every decision we need to make in our life has been extremely valuable to me, and will always be extremely valuable to me.

To read a great talk on the Book of Mormon, check this out: Book of Mormon

Pulling Strength from the Elder's Quorum

There are times in which I find myself just going through the motions on and I have a hard time really getting the best out of all of the church meetings. Things get repetitious at times and I'm not focused on strengthening my testimony of the gospel.  

Our Elder's Quorum (EQ) is composed of some great men with great leadership.  I always get back to center, and get excited to learn more about this great gospel. The lessons and discussions are performed in a way that can relate to myself and the challenges that we face in today's difficult world.  I always feel motivated after our EQ class and ready for the other meetings and the new upcoming week. 

I can truly say that I pull strength from the 4th Ward Elder's Quorum. 

-Posted on behalf of Tom Philipe

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Passing Through Sorrow

Tonight, as I write this, my heart is heavy, as I contemplate the news that a child, a young man, of a dear ward family passed away recently.  The family is a model that we could all benefit by emulating.  They are kind, they care, they participate fully, and are a friend and neighbor to all, in every way.  I know about the Savior, about his atonement, and of heaven, and of the plan of happiness.  All of these things intellectually reassure me that their son will be fine, as he is born into a bright new day.  My heart still aches for the family.

Imagining being in the same situation, I can't bear to think of the pain and the sorrow that this happening must have visited upon the family.  A pain that surely will never be healed, and a life that will never be forgotten.  Still they wear a brave face, and assure us that all will be well.  This is the kind of spirit and grace this family has maintained the entire time we have had the opportunity to know them.  This is typical of their service to us, their neighbors and ward family.  If only I could hope to be that capable, that kind, and as supportive as they are.

I searched for some comfort and something to hold onto.  An excellent talk by Robert Hales came up.  Reading it and listening to it thoroughly, it brought some peace.   During the day today, I felt such gratitude and thanks knowing that for now, my family has been spared.  However, I know at the same time that all of us must necessarily pass through the veil, die, and look forward to our own personal resurrection, and the resurrection and reunion of those who have gone before us.

Russel M. Nelson spoke directly on the subject in this excellent conference talk in April of 1992.  He provides deep insights that are worth reading and hearing.

There is so much pain in the world.   I am so deeply grateful that because of our knowledge of the Savior, and the gospel, and through the support of the Church, we can have some comfort.   From Corinthians, Chapter 15, verse 20 through 22: "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."  

Today on Facebook, an acquaintance posted a comment about "being ready for blessings that aren't in disguise."  It made me really think.  Often, I take my health, and the well being and even the lives of our families for granted.  But not today.  This tragedy in our neighbor's life reminds us all, of the  blessings that are present every day, and that they are amazing and beautiful.  It's not that blessings are disguised, but rather, perhaps we get caught up in the busyness of the day and don't realize that our every breath and those of the ones we love, are truly a continuing blessing.   Today those blessings are not unnoticed, and I give thanks with every breath, as I reflect on the blessings we currently enjoy.

There is comfort in the scriptures.  In Matthew Chapter 10, verses 29-31 the scriptures remind us how Heavenly Father is aware of  even a sparrow falling, and counts every hair of our heads.  He is aware of us and is with us.

Here is a brief collection of comforting references to scriptures worth reviewing: They focus on some of the frailties on our human condition, however, many of them seem to be on point.

If it is inappropriate to reflect on these recent events in a public forum, please do me a favor and let me know, so I can take this down, as I do not wish to hurt anyone, but hope to perhaps somehow extend some small portion of relief, with thoughts of comfort and affection.  You can reach me by email, or by posting a comment.

If you have some favorite references about the topic, or wish to share your thoughts, please do comment.

Today, we can pray, and we can give thanks.  The rest is in Heavenly Father's hands.  I am so grateful for the knowledge that he is there.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Bishop, father, friend

One of my most inspiring colleagues is Keith Hamilton.  Keith is a convert to the church and was the only African American to attend J. Reuben Clark Law School at BYU while I was there.  He wrote a fantastic book about blacks and the priesthood which I would recommend.  He recently had a short article published in the Deseret News about his first bishop.  I would highly recommend it.  You can read it here.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pop musicians contemplate the nature of God

We are fortunate that sometimes when creative people contemplate the nature of God, they express their thoughts about the subject in modern music, then share it with the rest of us.


Recently, I happened upon a Youtube video of a singer named Lizzy, who appeared on America's got talent. Her wistful song is apparently written and performed in memory of someone who was lost, and who is now in Heaven.   Her sweetness and sincerity come through both her voice, inflection, facial appearance, and the lyrics themselves.

Her song is called "Dancing in the Sky"

Here is a phrase from the lyrics:
Oh I, I hope you're dancing in the sky
I hope you're singing in the angels's choir
I hope the angels, know what they have
I bet it's so nice up in heaven since you arrived

Another singer, who happens to be a famous pop artist named Joan Osborne, sang a song entitled:

"What if God was one of us?" in the 90's.

To some, her song may sound like heresy.  To me, it sounds like a modern hymn, with a person living in this contemporary world, and contemplating the nature of God.  She is imagining what she might say, should she have the opportunity to see his face and ask him a question:
If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with him in all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?

Even earlier than Joan's modern song, in about 1970, the famous singer, Pete Townshend of "The Who," gave us the song entitled "A Bargain."

"Bargain" is a love song.  The opening lines are:
I'd gladly lose me to find you
I'd gladly give up all I had
To find you I'd suffer anything and be glad
The lyrics are typical love song lyrics in which Townshend says he will give up everything to win his love, and that he would consider that a bargain.  However, the lyrics do not identify who the subject of the singer's love is.

He goes on to sing:
"I know I'm worth nothing without you"
During a subsequent interview, Townshend revealed that the object of the love song was God.   He paradoxicaly stated that God's love is the easiest thing, yet the hardest thing to get, and that it would be worth giving up everything he had to ensure that he was at peace with him.  Townshend stated "The song is about losing one's ego...  I constantly try to lose myself and find him.... this song expresses how much of a bargain it would be to lose everything in order to be at one with God."

The song "A Bargain" may be downloaded on iTunes in various formats.  The acoustic version is particularly moving.  Here is a link to the complete lyrics.


Now, here's something I know I can rely on:  Lorenzo Snow was an LDS Prophet from 1898 - 1901. As  I try to relate some of this modern contemplative music about the nature of God to my own beliefs, it brings me back to one of my favorite quotes from him, when he wrote the famous couplet:
“As man now is, God once was; as God is now man may be.” 
Now contemplate that for a while.  Or a lifetime, or eternity.  It runs deep.

Do you see any connection between the restored gospel and modern music?
What are your favorite modern, pop, or sacred songs about the gospel?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



  • Christ is the head of my house, the honored guest at every meal, and the silent listener to every conversation. He is my friend, my brother, and my constant companion who cares for me and guides me to a safe haven. 
  • He is my promised Messiah who comforts my body and soul. He is the knowledge of who I am - A CHILD OF GOD.  
  • He is my SAVIOR, KING and REDEEMER. He is the author of my eternal plan of life and salvation for myself and my family.
  • He is my TRUE EXAMPLE OF PURE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He has taught me that love is patience and love is kind. 
  • He has taught me the importance of growth, greatness and serving others. I know the Son of Man did not come to earth to be served, but to serve. He is my shield of faith and MY GLORIOUS GIFT FROM GOD.
  • I know that I cannot stand alone. He opens my eyes, mind, heart and soul to many great and marvelous things, HE IS MY GUIDING LIGHT WITHIN.
  • My Savior has given me all of the above gifts. The one gift I treasure the most is  THE GIFT OF PEACE. Not the sense of PEACE I feel with the absence of a storm in my life, but the PEACE I get in the storm. So often I'm trying to convenience my Savior to get me out of the storm, that I'm not able to receive the CALMING PEACE while in the storm. I am comforted by the words found in John 14:27  "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
  • My Savior has given me all that I love and all that I believe. He is my kind hearted brother, WHO WILL ONE DAY GREET ME WITH TENDER OUT REACHED ARMS. It is with that perfect loving image that I can begin to feel my connection with Him and a confirmation of His pure and unconditional love for me.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

“How long can rolling waters remain impure?"

The war in Korea has deprived many of their possessions and their homes and even their loved ones. But out of this same war, a small group of Koreans have emerged with something more solid and indestructible than earthly poss­essions, They have received a living, testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

One such person is Lt. Sock Ku Lee, an instructor of Naval Architecture at the ROK Naval Academy at Chin Hae, Korea, and a professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Fisheries National College at Pusan, Korea.

Lt. Lee was introduced to the members of the Church by Dr. Kim, Ho-Jik, a Korean member of the Church. Lt. Lee’s inquisitiveness led him to investigate the principles of the Restored Gospel. Each new principle learned, was put to the test of logic and scriptural background, Investigation of the Gospel led Lt. Lee to even more diligence in learning, until finally he requested that some of the LDS GIs In the Pusan Area, instruct him in the things of the Gospel. 

Lt. Lee traveled 50 miles once a week to attend special meetings. Gradually, the miracle of the Gospel, known to so many LDS missionaries, began to shape Brother Lee’s life. He began to apply the new Gospel into his life, until in February, 1954, in a letter written to a friend, he expressed himself in these words: 
"Now I am standing at a critical crisis. No more hesitation is endurable, A huge monster “Baptism” is challenge and overwhelming my head and shoulders every day and night and I feel it would press me into the ground. My conscience teaches me that the concealment of such emotion to be guilty, recognizing the real truth which I for years have looked for and at last found.”
Lt. Lee requested that he be baptized and expressed concern about delay, because he was confident of an assignment from his superiors for a visit to Japan, and the United States, to study Naval Architecture. He desired to make this trip with the blessing of baptism with him.
Thus on the 3rd of February 1954, Lt. Lee was baptized by Elder H. Grant Heaton in the frozen Han river and later confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, at the home of Dr. Kim.

This is just one of the many examples of the missionary work being brought to light out of the ruins of a war torn Country. It Is a demonstration of faith, pure and simple, and of a devotion of truth equal to any in History.

Written by
H. Grant Heaton
4 February 1954
Chun Chon, Korea Seoul English

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